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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2015-02-09 20:28:33

    Soapmaking Mistake #3 -Adding Too Many Extras Soapmaking Mistake #3 -Adding Too Many Extras

    You can always add more fragrance, coloring or additives to a product, but removing an overdose is almost impossible. I've had batches of shower gel completely ruined because too much fragrance thins out the product beyond repair (and in case you're wondering, yes, I did try adding more of my base, only to have a large amount of super-thin shower gel on my hands!) You can always add more fragrance, coloring or additives to a product, but removing an overdose is almost impossible. I've had batches of shower gel completely ruined because too much fragrance thins out the product beyond repair (and in case you're wondering , yes, I did try adding more of my base, only to have a large amount of super-thin shower gel on my hands!)

    Soapmaking Mistake #4 -Not Being Patient Soapmaking Mistake #4 -Not Being Patient

    Some formulations will change over time after given some time to sit. What smells faint on day one could intensify significantly by day five. A natural preservative could turn a few months before expected if not combined at the right temp. Regularly make overruns of your batches, label them by date and batch number, and check back on them to make sure that they are still stable. Note how long the scent of your soap lasts, and how much it shrinks from the wrapper for example. Some formulations will change over time after given some time to sit. What smells faint on day one could intensify significantly by day five. A natural preservative could turn a few months before expected if not combined at the right temp. Regularly make overruns of your batches , label them by date and batch number, and check back on them to make sure that they are still stable. Note how long the scent of your soap lasts, and how much it shrinks from the wrapper for example.

    Soapmaking Mistake #5 -Relying On Memory Soapmaking Mistake #5 -Relying On Memory

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